Saturday, March 7, 2020

Speech Organs

Noun vs. adjective
lip vs. labial
mouth vs. oral
nose vs. nasal
palate vs. palatal
teeth vs. dental
voice vs. vocal
glottis vs. glottal

egressive and ingressive airstream
tongues vs. tongs
tuna vs. ton
dove (bird) vs. dove (past of dive)
floor vs. flower vs. flour
good vs. goods

roof of the mouth= alveolar ride, hard palate, soft palate
tongue= tip, blade, front, back, root
voicing= vibration of the vocal folds

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Sound Chart


  • Phonetics: the scientific study of sounds
  • Sounds vs. letters
  • Ear
  • Hear vs. listen
  • Imitate the mother= mother tongue 
  • Accents
  • RP: Received pronunciation
  • Why can't grown-up people acquire pronunciation like children can?
  • Critical period: 6-13
  • Deaf children can't acquire language because they can't hear.
  • How can you improve your pronunciation?
  • TV, Radio, Youtube, etc. 
  • IPA: International Phonetic Alphabet
  • Why do we need symbols in phonetics?
  • Transcription 
  • How many letters are there in English?
  • How many sounds are there in RP?
  • IPA symbols link