Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Training session

Names of the 20 who are participating in our training session Sunday 16/4/1430 at 12 in Lab. 66

1. Mr. Shahzad Bashir
2. Mr. Salahud Din Abdulrab
3. Mr. Altaf Malik
4. Mr. Mohammad Taiseer
5. Mr. Mohammad Kamaluddin
6. Dr. Mohammad Asif
7. Dr. Munir Choudhury
8. Mr. Siraj Mohammad Khan
9. Mr. Mohammad Nuruzzaman
10. Mr. Abdul Rahman Elias
11. Mr. Aziz Salafi
12. Mr. Mohammad Jabir
13. Mr. Jahangir Alam
14. Mr. Ahlullah
15. Dr. Bassim Kanan
16. Mr. Mohammad Akbar Ali
17. Mr. Saleem
18. Mr. Mohammad Ghayyath.
19. Dr. Ghulam Farouk
20. Dr. Mohammad Salah

For those who are interested in having the session but are not listed above, please keep sending your messages and if you have enough senders we can arrange for another session.

Dr. Ibrahim Darwish

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Course Plan 215

King Khalid University Department of English


I. Title: Listening and Speaking (4)
II. Codification: Eng 215
III. Number of Credits/hours: 3 credits
IV. Level: 4
V. Prerequisites: Eng 210, Eng 114 & Eng 110
VI. Academic Year: 2008 – 2009; Term 2
VII. Number of Instructors Involved: 3
VIII. Instructors Involved: Dr. Darwish, Mr. Adel, and Mr. Fuad.
IX. Number of Sections: 3
X. Textbooks: Tapestry (Middle East Edition) – Listening and Speaking (4).
IX. Evaluation: There are going to be three exams: 1st Midterm, 2nd Midterm and a Final. Students will be tested in two components in each of the exams, i.e., listening and speaking as shown in the table below. The exams for the listening component will be prepared by the course coordinator. However, instructors are expected to conduct a mock test at the end of each chapter to enable students to check their progress. With regard to the speaking component, instructors are responsible for organising presentation sessions or dialogue based assessment sessions.

Exam Speaking Listening
Mid 1 10 15
Mid 2 10 15
Final Exam 20 30
Total (out of 100) 40 60

X. Course Schedule: Five Chapters are to be covered from the textbook in addition to some supplementary material. Approximately five hours should be spent on each chapter. An optimal course schedule should look like this:

Week Dates Units to be Covered
1 28/2-4/3/2009
3/3-7/3/1430 Introduction and Orientation

2 7/3-11/3
10/3-14/3 Speech Training: Starting, continuing and ending conversations, etc.
3 14/3-18/3
17/3-21/3 Chapter 1: Small Talk- Not Deep but Important
Speech Training: Starting, continuing and ending conversations, etc.
4 21/3-25/3
24/3-28/3 Chapter 1: Small Talk- Not Deep but Important
Speech Training: Starting, continuing and ending conversations, etc.
5 28/3-1/4
1/4-5/4 Chapter2: High-Tech Communication
Speech Training: Discussing issues regarding mobile phones and email, etc.
6 4/4-8/4
8/4-12/4 Chapter2: High-Tech Communication
Speech Training: Discussing issues regarding mobile phones and email, etc.
7 11/4-15/4
15/4-19/4 Chapter3: Humour
Supplementary Material1
Speech Training: Discussing laughter and health
8 18/4-22/4
22/4-26/4 1st Midterm Exam (Listening)
1st Midterm Exam (Speaking)
29/4-4/5 Break
9 2/5-6/5
7/5-11/5 Chapter3: Humour
Supplementary Material
Speech Training: Discussing laughter and health
10 9/5-13/5
14/5-18/5 Chapter4: Academic Dishonesty
Speech Training: Discussing academic dishonesty, etc.
11 16/5-20/5
21/5-25/5 Chapter4: Academic Dishonesty
Speech Training: Discussing academic dishonesty, etc.
12 23/5-27/5
28/5-3/6 Chapter5: Exploring American Culture
Speech Training: Discussing different points of view
13 30/5-3/6
6/6-10/6 2nd Midterm Exam (Listening)
2nd Midterm Exam (Speaking)
14 6/6-10/6
13/6-17/6 Chapter5: Exploring American Culture
Speech Training: Discussing different points of view
15 13/6-17/6
20/6-24/6 Final Speaking Exam
1. Supplementary material is to be prepared and used by instructors only if they feel they are on schedule.

Head of Dept. Coordinator
Dr. Hamad Dousari Dr. Ibrahim Darwish

Course Plan Eng. 210

King Khalid University Department of English


I. Title: Listening and Speaking (3)
II. Codification: Eng 210
III. Number of Credits/hours: 3 credits
IV. Level: 3
V. Prerequisites: Eng 114 & Eng 110
VI. Academic Year: 2008 – 2009; Term 2
VII. Number of Instructors Involved: 3
VIII. Instructors Involved: Dr. Mahdi, Dr. Alward and Mr. Saiful.
IX. Number of Sections: 5
X. Textbooks: Tapestry (Middle East Edition) – Listening and Speaking (3).
IX. Evaluation: There are going to be three exams: 1st Midterm, 2nd Midterm and a Final. Students will be tested in two components in each of the exams, i.e., listening and speaking as shown in the table below. The exams for the listening component will be prepared by the course coordinator. However, instructors are expected to conduct a mock test at the end of each chapter to enable students to check their progress. With regard to the speaking component, instructors are responsible for organising presentation sessions or dialogue based assessment sessions.

Exam Speaking Listening
Mid 1 10 15
Mid 2 10 15
Final Exam 20 30
Total (out of 100) 40 60

X. Course Schedule: Five Chapters are to be covered from the textbook in addition to some supplementary material. Approximately five hours should be spent on each chapter. An optimal course schedule should look like this:

Week Dates Units to be Covered
1 28/2-4/3/2009
3/3-7/3/1430 Introduction and Orientation

2 7/3-11/3
10/3-14/3 Speech Training: Discussing academic issues, making queries, etc.
3 14/3-18/3
17/3-21/3 Chapter 1: School Daze
Speech Training: Discussing academic issues, making queries, etc.
4 21/3-25/3
24/3-28/3 Chapter 1: School Daze
Speech Training: Discussing academic issues, making queries, etc.
5 28/3-1/4
1/4-5/4 Chapter 2: Cross-Cultural Communication
Speech Training: Using direct and subtle speech
6 4/4-8/4
8/4-12/4 Chapter 2: Cross-Cultural Communication
Speech Training: Using direct and subtle speech
7 11/4-15/4
15/4-19/4 Chapter 3: My Slice of the Pie
Supplementary Material1
Speech Training: Expressing needs, offering advice, etc.
8 18/4-22/4
22/4-26/4 1st Midterm Exam (Listening)
1st Midterm Exam (Speaking)
29/4-4/5 Break
9 2/5-6/5
7/5-11/5 Chapter 3: My Slice of the Pie
Supplementary Material
Speech Training: Expressing needs, offering advice, etc.
10 9/5-13/5
14/5-18/5 Chapter 4: I Said my Way
Speech Training: Debating facts and opinions
11 16/5-20/5
21/5-25/5 Chapter 4: I Said my Way
Speech Training: Debating facts and opinions
12 23/5-27/5
28/5-3/6 Chapter 5: It’s Not Easy Being Good
Speech Training: Talking about hypothetical situations, responding nonjudgmentally, etc.
13 30/5-3/6
6/6-10/6 2nd Midterm Exam (Listening)
2nd Midterm Exam (Speaking)
14 6/6-10/6
13/6-17/6 Chapter 5: It’s Not Easy Being Good
Speech Training: Talking about hypothetical situations, responding nonjudgmentally, etc.
15 13/6-17/6
20/6-24/6 Final Speaking Exam
1. Supplementary material is to be prepared and used by instructors only if they feel they are on schedule.

Head of Dept. Coordinator
Dr. Hamad Dousari Dr. Ibrahim Darwish

Course Plan Eng. 114

King Khalid University Department of English


I. Title: Listening and Speaking (2)
II. Codification: Eng 114
III. Number of Credits/hours: 3 credits
IV. Level: 2
V. Prerequisites: Eng 110
VI. Academic Year: 2008 – 2009; Term 2
VII. Number of Instructors Involved: 4
VIII. Instructors Involved: Mr. Saiful, Mr. Rizwan, Mr. Adel and Mr. Balal.
IX. Number of Sections: 7
X. Textbooks: Tapestry (Middle East Edition) – Listening and Speaking (2).
IX. Evaluation: There are going to be three exams: 1st Midterm, 2nd Midterm and a Final. Students will be tested in two components in each of the exams, i.e., listening and speaking as shown in the table below. The exams for the listening component will be prepared by the course coordinator. However, instructors are expected to conduct a mock test at the end of each chapter to enable students to check their progress. With regard to the speaking component, instructors are responsible for organising presentation sessions or dialogue based assessment sessions.

Exam Speaking Listening
Mid 1 10 15
Mid 2 10 15
Final Exam 20 30
Total (out of 100) 40 60

X. Course Schedule: Five Chapters are to be covered from the textbook in addition to some supplementary material. Approximately five hours should be spent on each chapter. An optimal course schedule should look like this:

Week Dates Units to be Covered
1 28/2-4/3/2009
3/3-7/3/1430 Introduction and Orientation

2 7/3-11/3
10/3-14/3 Speech Training: Starting/ending a conversation (small talk), apologizing, thanking, etc.
3 14/3-18/3
17/3-21/3 Chapter 1: The Whole World is your Classroom
Speech Training: Starting/ending a conversation (small talk), apologizing, thanking, etc.
4 21/3-25/3
24/3-28/3 Chapter 1: The Whole World is your Classroom
Speech Training: Starting/ending a conversation (small talk), apologizing, thanking, etc.
5 28/3-1/4
1/4-5/4 Chapter2: Change and Choice
Speech Training: Giving and taking directions, speaking to landlords about problems, etc.
6 4/4-8/4
8/4-12/4 Chapter2: Change and Choice
Supplementary Material1
Speech Training: recap of chapters 1&2
7 11/4-15/4
15/4-19/4 Chapter3: This is Who I am
Speech Training: Asking questions, encouraging, etc.
8 18/4-22/4
22/4-26/4 1st Midterm Exam (Listening)
1st Midterm Exam (Speaking)
29/4-4/5 Break
9 2/5-6/5
7/5-11/5 Chapter3: This is Who I am
Supplementary Material
Speech Training: Asking questions, encouraging, etc.
10 9/5-13/5
14/5-18/5 Chapter 4: Health
Speech Training: Giving advice about health
11 16/5-20/5
21/5-25/5 Chapter 4: Health
Speech Training: Giving advice about health
12 23/5-27/5
28/5-3/6 Chapter5: When Cultures Meet
Speech Training: Telling and sharing experiences
13 30/5-3/6
6/6-10/6 2nd Midterm Exam (Listening)
2nd Midterm Exam (Speaking)
14 6/6-10/6
13/6-17/6 Chapter5: When Cultures Meet
Speech Training: Telling and sharing experiences
15 13/6-17/6
20/6-24/6 Final Speaking Exam
1. Supplementary material is to be prepared and used by instructors only if they feel they are on schedule.

Head of Dept. Coordinator
Dr. Hamad Dousari Dr. Ibrahim Darwish

Course Plan for Eng. 110

King Khalid University Department of English


I. Title: Listening and Speaking (1)
II. Codification: Eng 110
III. Number of Credits/hours: 3 credits
IV. Level: 1
V. Prerequisites: None
VI. Academic Year: 2008 – 2009; Term 2
VII. Number of Instructors Involved: 5
VIII. Instructors Involved: Dr. Mahdi, Mr. Fuad, Mr. Farouk, Mr. Saiful, and Dr. Darwish.
IX. Number of Sections: 7
X. Textbooks: Tapestry (Middle East Edition) – Listening and Speaking (1).
IX. Evaluation: There are going to be three exams: 1st Midterm, 2nd Midterm and a Final. Students will be tested in two components in each of the exams, i.e., listening and speaking as shown in the table below. The exams for the listening component will be prepared by the course coordinator. However, instructors are expected to conduct a mock test at the end of each chapter to enable students to check their progress. With regard to the speaking component, instructors are responsible for organising presentation sessions or dialogue based assessment sessions.

Exam Speaking Listening
Mid 1 10 15
Mid 2 10 15
Final Exam 20 30
Total (out of 100) 40 60

X. Course Schedule: Five Chapters are to be covered from the textbook in addition to some supplementary material. Approximately four hours should be spent on each chapter. An optimal course schedule should look like this:

Week Dates Units to be Covered
1 28/2-4/3/2009
3/3-7/3/1430 Introduction and Orientation
2 7/3-11/3
10/3-14/3 Speech Training: Introducing self/others, greetings, etc.

3 14/3-18/3
17/3-21/3 Chapter 1: Meetings and Greetings
Speech Training: Introducing self/others, greetings, etc.
4 21/3-25/3
24/3-28/3 Chapter 1: Meetings and Greetings
Speech Training: Introducing self/others, greetings, etc.
5 28/3-1/4
1/4-5/4 Chapter2: Finding your Way
Speech Training: Giving and taking directions
6 4/4-8/4
8/4-12/4 Chapter2: Finding your Way
Mock Test
7 11/4-15/4
15/4-19/4 Chapter3: A Full Life
Speech Training: Talking about schedules
8 18/4-22/4
22/4-26/4 1st Midterm Exam (Listening)
1st Midterm Exam (Speaking)
29/4-4/5 Break
9 2/5-6/5
7/5-11/5 Chapter3: A Full Life
Speech Training: Talking about schedules
Supplementary Material1
10 9/5-13/5
14/5-18/5 Chapter4: Weather around the World
Speech Training: Talking about the weather
11 16/5-20/5
21/5-25/5 Chapter4: Weather around the World
Speech Training: Talking about the Weather
12 23/5-27/5
28/5-3/6 Chapter5: To your Health
Speech Training: Explaining symptoms, giving advice, fixing an appointment, etc.
13 30/5-3/6
6/6-10/6 2nd Midterm Exam (Listening)
2nd Midterm Exam (Speaking)
14 6/6-10/6
13/6-17/6 Chapter5: To your Health
Speech Training: Explaining symptoms, giving advice, fixing an appointment, etc.
15 13/6-17/6
20/6-24/6 Final Speaking Exam

1. Supplementary material is to be prepared and used by instructors only if they feel they are on schedule.

Head of Dept. Coordinator
Dr. Hamad Dousari Dr. Ibrahim Darwish


To: All staff members
From: Dr. Ibrahim Darwish
Subject: English Language Labs Training

Dear colleagues,
I will be holding a training session on using the English language labs in lab no.66 on Sunday 16/4/1430 (12/4/2009) at 12:00. If you are interested in attending this session, please send your name in an sms to 0559740892 to book a place and you’ll receive a confirmation message. Seats are limited to 20 and they’ll be provided on a first-come-first-served basis.

Dr. Ibrahim Darwish


From: Dr. Ibrahim Darwish
To: Dr. Mahdi, Dr. Alward, Mr. Adel and Mr. Fuad.
Subject: Invigilation duties

Dear colleagues,

Because the four of you are teaching multiple sections of the same courses, we had to make the following invigilation arrangements:

1. Mr Adel will invigilate on Dr. Alward’s Eng. 210 (section 3) on Sunday 19/4/2009 (23/4/1430) in lab 65 at 7:00 p.m. In return, Dr. Alward will invigilate on Mr. Adel’s Eng. 215 (section 4) on the same day at 7:30 p.m. in lab 64.
2. Mr. Fuad will invigilate on Dr. Mahdi’s Eng. 210 (section 4) on Sunday 19/4/2009 (23/4/1430) in lab 64 at 7:00 p.m. In return, Dr. Mahdi will invigilate on Mr. Fuad’s Eng. 215 (section 5) on the same day at 7: 30 p.m. in lab 63.

Please try to cooperate with us by showing up 10 minutes before the exam time. However, if you have any problems regarding these arrangements, please do not hesitate to contact me on 0559740892 asap.


Dr. Ibrahim Darwish
ELLU supervisor

1st Midterm Schedule

Saturday 22/4/1430\18/4/2009

2:30-3:00 p.m.→ Eng 110

Section: 1 in lab 66
Section: 2 in lab 65
Section: 4 in lab 64
Section: 7 in lab 63

3:00-3:30 p.m.→ Eng 110

Section: 3 in lab 66
Section: 5 in lab 65
Section: 6 in lab 64

Saturday 22/4/1430

7:00-7:30 p.m.→ Eng 114

Section: 1 in lab 66
Section: 2 in lab 65
Section: 3 in lab 64
Section: 5 in lab 63

7:30-8:00 p.m.→ Eng 114

Section: 4 in lab 66
Section: 6 in lab 65
Section: 7 in lab 64

Sunday 23/4/1430

7:00-7:30 p.m.→ Eng 210

Section: 1 in lab 67
Section: 2 in lab 66
Section: 3 in lab 65
Section: 4 in lab 64
Section: 5 in lab 63

Sunday 23/4/1430

7:30-8:00 p.m.→ Eng 215

Section: 1 in lab 67
Section: 2 in lab 66
Section: 3 in lab 65
Section: 4 in lab 64
Section: 5 in lab 63
Section: 6 in lab 67